Pre-Construction (Design) Phase
Services & Sector Experience
It is our innovation and focus on excellence that drives us to collaborate with local and global firms to further expand our services wherever needed and to ensure the satisfaction of our Clients in meeting the requirements of their projects.

In catering to our Clients’ needs throughout the entire lifecycles of their projects and thereafter, Hamilton Project Management (HPM) draws on the immense talent and energy of their people, being continually committed to strengthening business and global relationships while collaborating with firms to further expand HPM’s range of services and provide our Clients with services that far supersede their expectations.
Project Approach, Methodology & Services

On the basis of the services we provide, it is found that our methodology of work and the deep involvement of our staff in the cross-review of design drawings prior to issuance for construction as IFC drawings, Shop Drawings, materials, equipment, quality of work on site, correspondence, variations, payments, Governmental Authorities’ requirements, programme, and so forth, are being done on daily basis and not only the routine monitoring of time and cost, but also being actively involved in proposing solutions and methods for recovery of delays that are essential to the progress of work and high quality to be achieved.

The advantage of selecting Hamilton Project Management (HPM) as the Project Management firm on any project ensures the achievement of highest quality within the time frame and budget as set for the project.
Pre-Construction (Design) Phase
Procurement of an esteemed, high-end international Hotel Operator
As Hamilton Project Management (HPM) is among the preferred and pre- qualified Project Management companies of several Hotel Operators, HPM can approach various internationally recognised Hotel Operators on behalf of the Client for the operation of his development. Subject to the Client’s requirements, HPM can also render their support by organising meetings and carrying out negotiations towards fees and contractual matters with the Hotel Operator, as well as reviewing and providing recommendations towards technical and financial aspects to ensure the Client is safeguarded before a formal agreement is reached with the selected Operator.
Procurement of Consultants
Prestigious projects require the input of several Specialist Consultants at various stages of their lifecycles. HPM can, on behalf of the Client, procure the Lead Consultant as well as Specialist Consultants whereby a process of short listing and comparisons of proposals shall take place to better serve the benefit of the Client in obtaining the best services on the project for the most competitive prices. HPM can also render their support in carrying out negotiations towards fees and contractual matters with the Consultants, subject to the project’s requirements, and in the event of a hotel project, the Operator’s requirements.
Production & Coordination of Design
For the different stages of the project, HPM will provide a detailed timeline schedule to include all stages of the design and the input of all appointed Consultants, and monitor the production and coordination achieved by each Consultant during Concept Design, Schematic Design, Design Development and production of Construction/Tender Documents, as well as cross-review the design as being developed and, if required, enable earliest commencement of works on site. HPM would also assist the Client by providing recommendations and solutions to various issues that will arise to better serve the achievement of quality and value for money on the project, as well as ensure that the Operator’s Guidelines, Client and local Authorities’ requirements are all incorporated in the design.
Tendering, Tender Analyses, Negotiations & Award
This would involve the procurement of the Contractor and various other construction packages. HPM would prepare lists of tenderers, prequalify them and prepare tender documents for bidding, provide tender analyses of Contractors’ bids received, negotiate the technical and financial proposals with the bidders to achieve the most competitive prices, as well as prepare the main Contract for the award of the works.
Services in Brief during the Pre-Construction (Design) Phase
Project Development
HPM will review the design drawings as soon as they are received from the Lead Consultant/Architect and recommend alternative solutions whenever design details are found affecting operations or aesthetics without assuming PM’s responsibility for the design.
HPM will develop a Project Time Schedule (programme) that coordinates and integrates the Lead Consultant/Architect’s design with all other Sub- Consultants. HPM will also update the Project Time Schedule incorporating the programme for construction operations of the project.
Construction Planning
HPM will review and assist in recommending the purchase of all Prime Cost (PC) sums materials and equipment (except for Interior Design and Specialist Consultants’ designs). HPM will also review and recommend all finishing materials for the project.
Follow up on Design Work
HPM will follow up the progress of design work as well as all documentation required to commence construction and will ensure that the conditions of Contract agreed upon will be implemented as far as design requirements are concerned.
Division of Work
HPM will make recommendations to the Client regarding the division of work in the drawings and specifications to facilitate the bidding and awarding of Contracts allowing for phased construction.
Competitive Bids Analyses
As working drawings and specifications are completed, HPM will study and analyse with the Client competitive bids received on the work of various Contractors. After analysing the bids, HPM will advise on the award of Contracts or recommend to the Client such Contracts to be awarded.
Joint Quantity Surveying
HPM will work jointly with the Client’s own Quantity Surveyors in providing the following services:

o Agree an initial budget with the Client.
o Prepare detailed cost plans.
o Cost control design development.
o Produce independent cost checks for the Client’s approval.
o Provide pre-tender estimate of final design.
o Study proposed changes and estimate the cost for the Client.
o Produce bills of quantities.
o Produce tender and Contract documents.
o Produce tender analysis report (technical and financial).
o In case the budget is not attained, conduct Value Engineering until the budget is achieved.
o Through the Client’s Quantity Surveyors, provide protection against claims and variations during the construction stage.
o Review Contract agreements of Sub-Consultants and Contractors and process payment certificates for all Consultants and Contractors.
o Review claims and variation orders.
o Implement claim prevention exercise to secure achievement of budget.
HPM, along with the Quantity Surveyors, will carry out the following services:

o Advise packages of work to be tendered.
o Produce a list of qualified Contractors to participate in tendering.
o Advise on tender methods.
o During the tendering period, liaise with all Consultants and clarify all queries submitted by tenderers.
o Hold official tender meetings during the tendering period.
o Upon receipt of tender analysis report (produced by the Client’s Quantity Surveyors), negotiate with the tenderers and achieve the best possible prices and make recommendations for award.